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White Polywood shutters on windows in a living room

See How To Soundproof Your Cincinnati Windows

February 21, 2025

See How To Soundproof Your Cincinnati Windows

Have you ever been roused out of your slumber by a neighbor’s party or miss a line in a good movie because of traffic by your house? Noise penetrates into your home through your window glass and cracks or gaps around your windows, resulting in restless nights and other disturbances. Luckily, there are some effective soundproofing methods that can drastically mitigate exterior noise. From DIY projects to new window treatments, try these suggestions to soundproof windows in Cincinnati and see if they give you some relief!

Add Weatherstripping Or Caulk To Window Frames

A woman's hands showing off weatherstripping on Polywood shutters on a window

Installing caulk or weatherstripping is an affordable “do-it-yourself” solution to reduce noise. Due to the fact that sound moves through the air, blocking crevices and openings around your windows will help keep outside noise from infiltrating your house.

If you have openings between windows and the frames, attach weatherstripping. For a double-hung window or a sliding door, you use vinyl v-strips along the window’s exterior. You might also put acoustic caulk in the crevices around windows and over any cracks to block airflow. Just be aware that these DIY solutions may not be long-term and can impact your windows’ appearance. Installing windows and window treatments that include energy-saving qualities might be a smarter investment.

Use Solid Window Treatments To Block Outside Noise

 Polywood shutters on bedroom windows

If annoying noises penetrate your thin window panes, an extra layer of solid material will help dampen them. Selecting louvered shutters is a savvy way to minimize the sound that can come inside while also making your home more energy efficient. Constructed from natural wood or an engineered alternative, these louvered shutters limit sound, drafts, and outside light when shut.

For the ultimate in soundproofing, choose Polywood® shutters. They have patented weatherstripping, making them better at soundproofing windows in Cincinnati than any other window treatments. Compared to shades and blinds, Polywood shutters affix to your window and are meticulously fit to your window frame to avoid gaps that could allow sound to enter. And don’t fret about the openings between their louvers. Polywood shutters shut securely around all edges to block noises, temperature transfer and sunlight.

In addition, appealing Polywood® shutters look gorgeous from within and on the outside of your residence. Their white coloration coordinates well with all kinds of home decor, and they wipe off with ease. Polywood shutters also endure longer than any other window treatments, elevating your Cincinnati home and stopping exterior noise for years on end

Upgrade Deteriorating Windows

If you have aging windows and notice draftiness and unwanted noise, it might be time to consider new ones. If replacing all your windows is more than you want to spend, you can add exterior storm windows or a secondary window pane to especially problematic windows. But, updating your windows or incorporating extra panes can be an expensive option.

Sunburst Has The Right Treatments To Soundproof Windows In Cincinnati

Are you excited for less distractions and a good night’s rest? Ask Sunburst Shutters Cincinnati about selecting custom interior shutters to block exterior noise. We’ll dispatch an experienced consultant to your home to demonstrate our shutters and help you pick your favorite customizations. Call us at 513-216-9740 or fill out the form below to set up your free consultation.